In 2020, there were more barriers than ever to pursuing an education in the arts:
Stricter COVID-19 regulations isolated children from their families overseas.
Health concerns reduced physical classes and usage of facilities for lessons.
Uncertainty of gainful employment upon graduating into a post-pandemic society.
Our 2020–2021 enrolment campaign sought to address these extrinsic concerns much more than an artist’s inner motivations.
Art’s adaptiveness, versatility, and boldness shine ever greater in such times of uncertainty. There is an imperative for current and potential artists to rise up.​​​​​​​
Beginning the campaign with a call-to-arms, we launched a manifesto video asking potential students, “What’s stopping you?”
The campaign then celebrated the resilience of art students during uncertain times, with testimonials from both students and their parents.
Lecturers were featured using fancams, while various art disciplines were characterised as video game characters.
This project was only possible thanks to fellow project-owner Shermaine Chong,
as well as various junior interns and designers who provided support:
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